Recycled Rubber Floors
Duo Tile premium performance sport flooring has all the benefits of a modular tile or roll product to meet your needs – from weight rooms, to ice arenas, health clubs, and ski areas.

Sports Flooring – Multilino by Mats Inc
This product line includes everything from a simple fiber carpet tile designed to protect the floor, to sport flooring for your entire complex. Products include the Multlino floor, Woodflex, Gameflex, or a specialized sport package designed to suit the customer’s needs. We strive to offer the most diverse package of sports flooring so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for your application.
Multilino is offered in 3 types of construction based on the varying needs of your sport facility: Multilino ST, Multilino FM and Multilino WD. These products are Din certified environmentally friendly products can meet the demands of roller blading, volleyball and traditional basketball.

Decathlon Design – Rolls
Recycled rubber flooring primarily comes from car tires. This simple black can be combined with color granules for an unlimited number of color combinations. If recycled rubber is what you are looking for, we have it. Material begins with black recycled rubber granules and depending on the quantity of additional color granules added can have up 90% recycled post consumer content. Rolls are available in 4,6,8,9 or 12mm thickness.

Sports Flooring – Woodflex
We strive to offer the most diverse package of sports flooring so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for your application.
Woodflex offers an outstanding flooring solution for multipurpose facilities, a realistic wood look with the benefits of a synthetic floor and antibacterial properties, also available in solid colors.
Rolls are either 6’0″ or 6’7″ wide and 8mm in thickness.